Online Coaching Packages

I bring the philosophies of Yoga & the teachings of Ayurveda into your modern lifestyle. The pieces of this path that teach us how to be a good person, to ourselves and to the world around us. I use nutrition, sacred prioritization of self, meditation & pranayama to coat your nervous system in sweet sweet honey.

90 Days to Balance

Sweet Honey Prana Package

Session 1: Elemental Findings (90 minutes)

Consultation to discuss Prakruti & Vikruti. Here we will discuss your full health history. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Session 2: Plan of Action (75-90 minutes)

Following your initial intake I will create a treatment plan including lifestyle practices, herbal remedies, and nutritional guidance. These may include but are not limited to; yoga, meditation, pranayama, dance, self care practices, sound therapy, yoga nidra, cyclical living, cleansing, spiritual education and discovery.

Sessions 3-8: On-going Guidance (60-75 minutes)

From here, we will meet weekly to discuss your progress. We will share practices, embodying an Ayurvedic lifestyle together in order for you to feel comfortable and second nature in your self practices. During the embodiment sessions we may share deep practices to heal trauma, move energy or rewire the many conditionings of the past. We will also address current happenings, nutritional needs and dive deeper into creating an Ayurvedic lifestyle that is obtainable and sustainable for you to thrive.

Email & Whatsapp support provided during the weekdays in between sessions.

Investment & Inclusions:

8 one-on-one evolutionary sessions, your customized plan of action with your own food program, 15+ recipes, individualized lifestyle techniques, spiritual practices such as yoga, pranayama, meditation, education, etc. Herbal remedies, self discovery through finding your joy, your fire, your passions, your purpose. On-going support between sessions & connection - $1,100USD

Sweet Honey Soma Package

180 Days to Balance & Rebirth

All the goodness and all the juiciness of the Prana Package with extended guidance. 16 sessions in total to truly be held accountable in the renewal of your mind, body and soul.

This package also includes a guided 7 day kitchari cleanse with optional purgation in weeks 2-3 to remove Ama (toxins) from the digestive system and start fresh.

You will receive a cooking tutorial, shopping list, herbal recommendations and supplements to reset the 3 doshas and rebalance your digestive system. This cleanse can be done for a minimum of 3 days but 7 is recommended.

This package is completely customized and flexible, as our human nature is to change and move with the cycles of life. Throughout this time you will find yourself in a place of gratitude. A space where your happiness takes a front row seat and your spark for life kindles brighter than you’ve ever known.

“I am 5,000 years old, experience must have taught me something” - Ayurveda

Email & Whatsapp support provided during the weekdays in between sessions.

Investment and Inclusion:

16 one-on-one evolutionary sessions, your customized plan of action with your own food program, 20+ recipes, individualized lifestyle techniques, spiritual practices such as yoga, pranayama, meditation, education, etc. A guided Ayurvedic cleanse, herbal remedies, self discovery through finding your joy, your fire, your passions, your purpose. On-going support between sessions & connection - $1,999USD

Sweet Honey Swasti Package

6 Weeks Towards Self

Session 1: Elemental Findings (90 minutes)

Consultation to discuss Prakruti & Vikruti. Here we will discuss your full health history. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Session 2: Plan of Action (75-90 minutes)

Following your initial intake I will create a treatment plan including lifestyle practices, herbal remedies, and nutritional guidance. These may include but are not limited to; yoga, meditation, pranayama, dance, self care practices, sound therapy, yoga nidra, cyclical living, cleansing, spiritual education and discovery.

Sessions 3-6: On-going Guidance (60-75 minutes)

From here, we will meet weekly to discuss your progress. We will share practices, embodying an Ayurvedic lifestyle together in order for you to feel comfortable and second nature in your self practices. During the embodiment sessions we may share deep practices to heal trauma, move energy or rewire the many conditionings of the past. We will also address current happenings, nutritional needs and dive deeper into creating an Ayurvedic lifestyle that is obtainable and sustainable for you to thrive.

Email & Whatsapp support provided during the weekdays in between sessions.

Investment & Inclusions:

8 one-on-one evolutionary sessions, your customized plan of action with your own food program, 15+ recipes, individualized lifestyle techniques, spiritual practices such as yoga, pranayama, meditation, education, etc. Herbal remedies, self discovery through finding your joy, your fire, your passions, your purpose. On-going support between sessions & connection - $650USD