My Journey

Nature. Freedom. Nutrition. Ayurveda. Yoga.

I’m Kayla, a woman who discovered pretty quickly that my body and mind did not have the same needs as the people around me.

My journey began physical, studying nutrition and personal training. Learning all the ways I can make my body LOOK as healthy as possible. Meanwhile, age 22 and I’m the best customer at the chiropractor’s next to the gym. The Chiro is telling me I have the spine of a 40 year old woman. I’m dealing with sciatic, muscle spasms and chronic tension. I’m taking hormonal birth control and I am completely unaware of my natural cycles.

Not long after I decided to choose me. I ditched the birth control and I ditched the matrix lifestyle. I bought a one way ticket across the pacific and begun a path of self discovery. Through cultures, experiences, and wilding my soul I found a woman who desired less. Ultimately I was brought back to nature and began to study Ayurveda & Yoga. Through this practice I decided to trust, to believe, and to understand that nature truly can heal.

Nature gives us everything we need to heal but we have to strip back the layers of Ama that life is consistently binding us too. We have to decide, “I choose me”.

7 years later I live a life through feminine wisdom. The plants, the nourishment, the cycles are my guiding force. The body, the emotions, the monkey mind are my teachers. My gift is in the re-wilding of others. Coming home to nature, to simplicity and to the beauty of less. What would it feel like to do less in order to feel more? This is not about adding to your busy life, this is about stilling your cup, connecting deeper and reigniting the fire within.