Ayurveda Detox (Panchakarma) in Costa Rica

Panchakarma is a system of detoxification that works to rebalance the 3 fundamental energies of the body and mind- the doshas. Through oil treatments, dietary cleansing, herbal remedies and purgation, we come back to our pure nature.

This unique, in person offering is available on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica. Already have plans to travel? Get in touch by securing your time slot below. Interested to create a healthy holiday experience? Check out the retreats page to learn the all inclusive details.

Any person from 18-70 years of age can seek the process of Panchakarma. Anyone feeling any sort of dis-ease within themselves whether it be digestive, mental, physical or emotional. Vata, pitta and kapha imbalances in the body all require Panchakarma. Panchakarma is great for anyone looking to reset or recenter within themselves.

Contraindications: Panchakarma is not recommended for pregnant or menstruating women or anyone who suffers from the following: hypertension, extreme obesity, emaciation, cancer of the lungs or testicles, melanoma, congestive heart failure, angina pectoris, HIV or AIDS, infectious diseases of any kind or lympo-sarcoma.

If none of these apply please reach out to set up your Ayurveda Consultation and get started.

Who is eligible for Panchakarma?

What is kitchari?

Kitchari is the mixing of two grains. Mung beans and basmati rice. For your Ayurvedic cleanse I highly recommend opting for the kitchari diet. A kitchari cleanse is a simple way to allow your digestive system to rest and restore while getting all the nutrients you need PLUS ayurvedic spices! Spices such as turmeric, ginger, fennel, asafoetedia, manjistha, clove, cumin, cinnamon and so many more to suit your dosha are used in the creation of kitchari. These spices heal your digestive system and pave the way for a smooth and easy cleanse. To undergo a kitchari cleanse you will eat fruits for breakfast and kitchari for lunch and dinner for at least 3 days before your cleanse day.