1-1 Ayurveda Consultation

I bring the philosophies of Yoga & the teachings of Ayurveda into your modern lifestyle. The pieces of this path that teach us how to be a good person, to ourselves and to the world around us. I use nutrition, sacred prioritization of self, meditation & pranayama to coat your nervous system in sweet sweet honey.

Curious about Ayurveda? Book a 1 on 1 consultation now!

Discover your unique constitution and unravel the deeper parts of yourself. The pieces and happenings of your life that have brought you to this moment. Mind, body, soul.

Here, we will dive into your Prakruti - your true nature. Only you can truly understand what it is like to be you. Discovering your Prakruti is the self discovery tool to understanding your mental and emotional tendencies, your physical health, your creative power and let’s be real, how the heck your particular digestive system works.

We will also discuss your Vikruti - current imbalances. I invite you into this intimate space, to share the journey you have been on and the discomforts, irregularities and just down right bad habits that have led you to a place of imbalance or, dis-ease if you will. In discovering your Vikruti you will learn how to notice which dosha connects to which symptom and unearth ways to address it at the root. I will share different Ayurvedic based techniques to help return you to your true nature and highest level of health.